SONOFF ZB Dongle-E USB Dongle Plus Zigbee 3.0 Universal Gateway


  • Pre-flashed Zigbee Coordinator: The device comes pre-flashed with Zigbee coordinator firmware based on EZNet 6.10.3, making it ready to use out of the box.
  • Smart Home Platform Compatibility: It supports popular smart home platforms like Home Assistant, openHAB, and Zigbee2MQTT.
  • EFR32MG21-Based: The product is built on the EFR32MG21 platform.
  • High Output Gain: With a +20dBm output gain, it provides strong signal transmission.
  • Aluminum Housing: The aluminum housing effectively reduces signal interference from peripherals.
  • Optional USB Extension Cable: An optional 1.5m USB extension cable is available for improved signal range. 📡

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