This SD Card Reader/Writer is ideal for many Micro-controller projects (Arduino, Pic, Versalino, etc…) Including (but not limited to) projects involving sensor and other data logging activities. Audio playing and/or recording. Video, Image, and other multimedia storage and retrieval for advanced embedded applications. Processing large quantities of data with a robot, or storing/retrieving items larger than the limited memory available on your microprocessor. This can be used for a broad range of applications from scientific data collection for biological/geological and other statistical studies in the field, to storing map data for your robots surroundings in and outside the home.
Reading and writing data won’t be that hard as there is a ready-made library within the Arduino IDE. Here is a reference on how you can wire your SD Card Breakout Board to your Arduino.
- CS: D4
- MOSI: D11
- MISO: D12
- SCL: D13
Technical Specifications
- Works with all standard SD Cards! (dependent on your library 1 to 2 GB recommended for embedded use much more is just crazy overkill for most applications).
- Easy to wire to any Microcontroller that has SPI support (or any microcontroller with a programmer willing to write SPI protocol from scratch).
- Easy to use examples, and instant compatibility with the built in Arduino library.
- Working Voltage 3.3 & 5V (DC Both required),
- 7 wires required (including power and ground).
- It is easily interfaced as a peripheral for Arduino sensor shield module.