DC Hobby / Toy Motor – 130 Size
This is a standard ‘130 size’ DC motor. It comes with a wider operating range than most toy motors: from 4.5 to 9VDC. This range makes them perfect for controlling with most of the Arduino Motor Shield, or with an Arduino where you are more likely to have 5 or 9V available than a high current 3V setting.
In order to control the speed of the motor you have to vary the voltage supplied to the Motor the easiest way to do this is using a Potentiometer. There are also many other ways to achieve this.
Also remember that the motor can consume up to 250mA during loaded conditions so make sure you supply could source it. If you are controlling it through any Digital IC or any Microcontroller, you should use a motor driver IC like L293D or ULN2003 these IC’s will also let you control the direction of the motor easily.
In stock (can be backordered)