The BC548 is a general-purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor commonly used in European and American electronic equipment. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where a general-purpose transistor is required. The BC548 is low in cost and widely available.
Characteristics of BC548 Transistor
- Type – NPN
- Collector-Emitter Voltage: 30 V
- Collector-Base Voltage: 30 V
- Emitter-Base Voltage: 5 V
- Collector Current: 0.1 A
- Collector Dissipation – 0.5 W
- DC Current Gain (hfe) – 110 to 800
- Transition Frequency – 150 MHz
- Noise Figure – 2 dB
- Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -65 to +150 °C
- Package – TO-92
Complementary PNP transistor
The complementary PNP transistor to the BC548 is the BC558.