This universal double-sided prototyping board is 7 x 9 cm (2.76 x 3.54″) in size with standard hole pattern on 2.54mm (0.1″) centers.
Key Features
- 7 x 9 cm (2.76 x 3.54″) outside dimensions
- 1.6mm (0.64″) thickness
- Holes on 2.54mm (0.1″) centers in grid pattern with alphanumeric grid marked along edges of the board.
- Holes are plated through with same pad pattern on both sides of the board.
- Edge solder pads are on 2.54mm (0.1″) centers
These boards are useful for permanently mounting components and wires via soldering when a project is put into permanent use.
Some circuits with high energy or high frequency such as DC-DC converters or high power MOSFETs need to be prototyped on boards of this type rather than using solderless breadboards since the components need to be placed closely together with robust connections that can handle heavy current transients.