AD8232 ECG Module Kit


AD8232 ECG Module integrated with AD8232 IC from Analog Devices, which is a single chip designed to extract, amplify, and filter biopotential signals for biopotential measurement applications (like ECG and others). ECGs can be extremely noisy so that the AD8232 Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor acts as an op-amp to help obtain a clear signal from the PR and QT Intervals easily.

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  • The AD8232 single-lead heart rate monitor is a cost-effective board for measuring the electrical activity of the heart. The electrical activity can be plotted as an ECG or electrocardiogram and output as an analog reading.
  • The ECG can be very noisy. The AD8232 single-lead heart rate monitor acts as an operational amplifier and can easily obtain clear signals from the PR and QT intervals.
  • AD8232 is an integrated signal conditioning module for ECG and other biopotential measurement applications. It is designed to extract, amplify and filter small biopotential signals in the presence of noise conditions (such as those produced by movement or remote electrode placement).
  • The AD8232 heart rate monitor disconnects nine connections from the IC, and you can solder pins, wires or other connectors to it.
  • Use Arduino or other development boards, SDN, LO+, LO-, OUTPUT, 3.3V, GND to provide the necessary pins for running this monitor.
  • RA (right arm), LA (left arm) and RL (right leg) pins are also provided on this board to connect and use your own custom sensors.
  • In addition, there is an LED indicator, which will beat to the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  • AD8232 uses a dual high-pass filter to eliminate motion artifacts and electrode half-cell potential.
  • AD8232 uses an operational amplifier, no need to use restrictions to build a three-pole low-pass filter to eliminate additional noise.
  • Rated temperature range: 0 – 70 degrees Celsius.
  • Operating temperature range: -40 – 85 degrees Celsius.


  • Fitness and exercise heart rate monitoring
  • Portable ECG
  • Remote health monitor
  • Game peripherals
  • Bioelectric signal collection


Pin Description of the AD8232 ECG Module

Pin Name Description
GND Power Supply Ground
3.3v Power Supply 3.3v
Output (ADC) Operational Amplifier Output. The fully conditioned heart rate signal is present at this output. OUT can be connected to the input of an ADC.
LO- Leads Off Comparator Output. In dc leads off detection mode, LO− is high when the electrode to −IN is disconnected, and it is low when connected.
LO+ Leads Off Comparator Output. In dc leads off detection mode, LOD+ is high when the +IN electrode is disconnected, and it is low when connected.
Shutdown Control Input. Drive SDN low to enter the low power shutdown mode.
RA (Right Arm) RED Biomedical electrode pad RA (input). Instrumentation Amplifier Negative Input. −IN is typically connected to the right arm (RA) electrode
LA (Left Arm) YELLOW Biomedical electrode pad LA (input). Instrumentation Amplifier Positive Input. +IN is typically connected to the left arm (LA) electrode.
RL (Right Leg) GREEN Biomedical electrode pad RL (input). Right Leg Drive Output. Connect the driven electrode (typically, right leg) to the RLD pin.
3.5mm ECG Biomedical Electrode Connector Jack Combine Biomedical Electrode Pad Connector of RA, LA, RL